GCAA has a strict Code of Conduct. This Code of Conduct applies to all persons in the gym at all times - players, coaches, and parents/spectators. Every registrant and parent must agree to this Code of Conduct prior to registering their player and acknowledges this during the registration process.
If you feel someone has broken the Code of Conduct and wish to file a formal complaint, you can do so here. Prior to filing a formal complaint, we do encourage reviewing our policies regarding officials and coaches.
Parent Code of Conduct
1. I understand that the Greater Cleveland Athletic Association is organized to promote youth athletics and good sportsmanship.
2. I understand that GCAA hires trained officials tasked with officiating all contests. Officials are trained not only in the rules of the game but in keeping players safe. Officials who feel a player's safety is in question will always make the call.
3. I understand that my conduct as a parent will have a definite impact on the youth for whom it is intended, the program, and myself.
4. I pledge to support, cooperate, and work in every way to promote youth athletics in the best interest of the programs and youths involved.
5. I pledge to be respectful to all officials, even in an expression of disagreement. This includes not approaching officials in any form or fashion.
6. I do agree to adhere to the principles of good sportsmanship and to the rules and regulations defined by GCAA and any organizations affiliated with GCAA.
7. I understand that if I display poor sportsmanship, whether during or following a game, I will be subject to partial or permanent program suspension. Unsportsmanlike conduct is defined as, but not limited to the following:
- Harassment of participants, coaches, or officials
- Use of profane language and/or gestures
- Public threats or physical violence
8. Regulations regarding adult ejection or suspension will follow the guidelines listed below:
- I understand that if I am asked to leave a game, I will be suspended from attending the next game to be played by my son's/daughter's team.
- I understand that if I am asked to leave a second game during any one season. I will not be allowed to attend all the remaining regular season games and the end-of-season tournament.
- I understand that the GCAA board will review all adult ejections or suspensions and may extend any suspension beyond what is stated above as deemed appropriate for the offense.
9. I understand that any suspension may be appealed by using the following process:
The suspended individual should submit in writing a detailed account of the incident to the president of the association within 48 hours of the suspension. The statement should give the names of any witnesses that observed the incident.
10. In the case of an ejection, the parent must leave the facility (out of sight and sound) in which the field is located and cannot return until at least 1 hour after the game has completed. If the parent does return before this time, an additional 2 game suspension will be incurred. Typical GCAA disciplinary actions for offenses are shown below:
- Disrespect to an opposing player = 2 game suspension
- Ejection from a game (first offense) = 2 game suspension
- Ejection from a game (second offense) = 1 season suspension
- Ejection from a game (third offense) = life suspension from participating in GCAA sanctioned events
- Verbal assault/hostile challenge of a referee/coach/player = 1 year suspension from attending games
- Physical assault/hostile challenge of a referee/coach/player = life suspension from participating in GCAA sanctioned events
Coaches' Code of Conduct
I, as a coach at GCAA, agree to the following code of conduct.
I will respect the opposing team, its players, its coaching staff, and spectators and will not engage in any disrespectful conduct.
I will not engage or speak to another team's players and may only engage with their coach or an official in a respectful manner should an issue arise.
I will respect the referees (umpires) and will not challenge or show dissent with their officiating.
I will inform and adhere to all GCAA bylaws for my designated division.
I will respect all GCAA officials and will abide by their directives.
I will be responsible for the conduct of my players and their parents and will take all necessary steps to ensure their proper behavior.
As a coach, I will not engage in any activity that encourages unsportsmanlike behavior by my players.
If I violate any of the above provisions, I will adhere to the following discipline:
- Showing disrespect to a referee/coach/player/parent or any other person at any event with which GCAA is involved – minimum 1 game suspension, maximum 1 season suspension
- Ejection from a game by ref or other GCAA officials (first offense*) – 2 game suspension
- Ejection from a game by ref or other GCAA officials (second offense*) – 1 season suspension
- Ejection from a game by ref or another GCAA official (third offense*) – Lifetime suspension from coaching in any GCAA Sport
- Verbal assault/hostile challenge of a referee/coach/player/parent or any other person at any GCAA event – 1-year suspension
- Physical assault of referee/coach/player/parent or any other person at any GCAA event – Lifetime suspension from participation in GCAA and possible legal action.
- Coaching unsporting behavior – 1-year suspension
* This violation may also warrant further disciplinary actions from other sanctioning bodies.
This code of conduct in its entirety does not exclude discipline by the local association/club (when participating in away games) or other sanctioning bodies.
In the case of an ejection, the coach must leave the park/facility (out of sight and sound) in which the playing area is located and can not return before being contacted by a GCAA Discipline Committee. If the coach does return before this time, a minimum of an additional 2-game suspension will be incurred.
Player Code of Conduct
I will be respectful at all times to other players, both on my team and the opposing team as well as to coaches and officials.
I will not challenge a coach or official in a hostile manner.
I will not taunt, trash talk, bully, use profanity, or make any threatening remarks to another individual. I understand that doing so will result in my immediate suspension from the league.
I will clean up after myself taking trash from my food/beverages.
I will show good sportsmanship to all other individuals at all times.
For the health and safety of our kids, weapons, smoking, chewing tobacco, alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, or pets (including dogs of any size) are NOT allowed on the GCAA Complex or on the West View Elementary fields. If you are seen with any of these things, you will be asked to leave the campus and may be found in violation of the Parent Code of Conduct or may be reported to the local authorities which may result in criminal charges and/or disciplinary action by the GCAA Board of Directors, Disciplinary Committee, or the Chairperson of a sport.
Also, public intoxication or being under the influence of any controlled substances on the GCAA Complex, West View Elementary fields, or any other place where GCAA teams are gathering, practicing, or competing will not be tolerated. These actions may also result in being reported to the local authorities which may result in criminal charges and/or disciplinary action by the GCAA Board of Directors, Disciplinary Committee, or the Chairperson of a sport.