About Us
Greater Cleveland Athletic Association
The Greater Cleveland Athletic Association (GCAA) was incorporated as a 501c(3) non-profit in 2005 to better serve the citizens of the area around the Cleveland Community in Johnston County, North Carolina. We currently have five soccer fields, three baseball fields, a softball field, and a gym and are located on the historic Cleveland School campus at 8994 Cleveland Road in Clayton, North Carolina, across from The Cleveland Emporium and the Cleveland Volunteer Fire Department (Map). GCAA is a group of dedicated volunteers that provide athletic programming to the youth of the area of Johnston County served by Cleveland Middle School, Swift Creek Middle School, McGee's Crossroads Middle School and their feeder schools, Cleveland, McGee's, Polenta, and West View Elementary. The organization was formed to provide athletic opportunities that are not provided by the county or municipality. We serve nearly 2,500 participants in baseball, softball, soccer, basketball, and volleyball.
GCAA is governed by a Board of Directors elected by the membership of the GCAA. Board meetings are open to the public and are typically held on the third Monday of every month at 7:00 PM in the former agriculture classroom building on our facilities behind the gym. If you have items you want to speak on, please let us know so we can put you on the agenda (secretary@gcaasports.com). It takes many more volunteers than the 21-member Board to provide athletic opportunities to the approximately 2,500 yearly participants in GCAA's athletic programs. Consider joining the Greater Cleveland Athletic Association. The most important thing that membership gives you is a vote in the election of the Board. You will have a say in how your organization is run. The Board needs the input AND THE HELP of the membership of the organization.

Board meetings are open to the public, and are held on the 3rd Monday of every month at 7:00 PM in the AG building. If you would like to speak at one of our meetings, please let us know so that we can put you on the agenda by emailing our Secretary.